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11+ Frequently asked Questions

Before the 11+

1 How do I apply for a place at The King’s School?

There are 2 distinct procedures. Both must be completed. You will need to register to sit the 11+ at The King’s School (or another school in the Lincolnshire Grammar School Consortium). You will also need to apply for a place in Secondary Education through your local authority by 31 October.

2 Can I sit the 11+ at more than one school in Lincolnshire?


Each school in the consortium uses the same 11+ tests. We liaise after testing so we can check that students have only been tested once.

3 Can I apply to more than one Lincolnshire Grammar School?


Each school administers the same tests, and the results are shared between the schools.

4 How do I check my registration to sit the tests?

You will receive a copy of your registration from the following address Please check your junk before contacting the school. Please ensure your son’s surname and forename are the correct way around and that his DOB is accurate.

5 What if parents do not live together?

We ask that there is only one registration per child and that the parent named on the registration communicates any information received to the parent not named on the registration. 

6 What if my son’s legal and known by name are different?

Please register your child with the legal name. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to match up your son’s 11+ score with his application through the local authority.

7 Do you have a catchment area?

Please read our Admissions Policy, which can be found on the website.

8 What are your entry criteria?

Please read our Admissions Policy, which can be found on the website. Please note, evidence for children regarding Pupil Premium (Free School Meals) needs to be with us by 31 October for your son to be considered for a priority place as detailed in our Admissions Policy.

9 My son has changed primary school since registering.

Please let us know as we try and seat students with their peers on the 11+ days.

On the day

10 My son is ill or not 100% – what should I do?

Please notify us by e-mail ( as soon as possible and we can then re-arrange a sitting in the weeks following the 11+. Please do not send your son for testing if he is not feeling at his best. 

11 What is in the tests?

Our website gives details on what is contained in the Verbal Reasoning (VR) and Non-Verbal Reasoning and Spatial Awareness (NVR) tests as well as links to and information on familiarisation materials. The VR is one continuous paper which is usually around 50 minutes.  The NVR is usually slightly shorter and divided into distinct sections, but the number of sections can vary each year. The NVR paper also includes some types of spatial awareness questions.

12 Can my son bring a drink?

Yes, but it needs to be in a clear bottle. Please be aware that toilet facilities are limited and if breaks are taken during the test, the time is lost.

13 Do you provide blank paper for working out?


14 What should my son bring with him on the test days?

All students should wear their primary school uniform so they are easily identifiable. Please ensure they have a coat or waterproof in case of inclement weather – our waiting areas are all outside.  Students should bring 2 HB pencils and an eraser for the tests. No calculators or other writing tools, e.g. highlighter pens are permitted. Please note that our 11 + exams are conducted according to JCQ guidelines (The King's School Grantham - Entry to Year 7 in September 2026 - see IFC document at foot of page).  As part of these guidelines, we would like to draw your attention to the rule that students are not permitted to take a watch into these examinations. Countdown or 'count up' clocks are NOT allowed either. A reliable clock will be visible to each candidate in the examination room. Students must not be in possession of the following: AirPods, earphones/earbuds, iPods, mobile phones, MP3/4 players or similar devices, watches, smart glasses or any other smart devices.

After the results

15 What is the maximum score?

The maximum standardised score is 282. This has been standardised according to age.

16 My son didn’t pass, can I still apply to your school?

Yes, you can still include King’s amongst your preferences for Secondary Education when you apply through your local authority, but you will receive a refusal. After the allocation of places by your home Local Authority on 1 March you will then have the right of appeal against a refusal of a place at this school to an independent appeal committee.

17 Can I have a breakdown/copy of my son’s tests?

We only provide the breakdown of the VR and NVR standardised scores. As the scores are standardised by age, we do not release raw scores at this stage, nor can we release a copy of any materials from testing as these are live examinations. 

18 My son didn’t pass. Can I appeal?

After the allocation of places by your home Local Authority on 1 March you will have the right of appeal against a refusal of a place at this school to an independent appeal committee if you include this school amongst your preferences on the Local Authority parental preference form. Irrespective of your home Local Authority you may appeal online after 1 March through the Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) website Appeal a school place decision – How to appeal - Lincolnshire County Council. Alternatively, hard copy appeal documentation may be obtained from the LCC Service Centre by telephoning 01522 782030 after 1 March.

19 What percentage did my son score?

The maximum standardised score is 282. This has been standardised according to age so a percentage is irrelevant data.

20 What’s the lowest score that you are going to offer a place?

We do not know until 1 March.

21 My son passed but was refused a place. Can I appeal?

If Lincolnshire is your home Local Authority, you may appeal online after 1 March through the Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) website if you applied online. Alternatively, hard copy appeal documentation may be obtained from the LCC Service Centre by telephoning 01522 782030 after 1 March. You may only appeal if you have included The King’s School on your preference form. See above.

22 Can my son resit the 11+?

No. Students cannot re-sit the 11+. The next opportunity for your son to sit an entrance exam for The Kings’ School will be in the September of Year 8.

23 Can I have my son’s 11+ remarked?

Yes, please contact on the e-mail address you used to register your son. Please provide his full name and DOB.

24 What was the lowest score offered a place in previous years?

The lowest score offered a place on National Offer Day (1 March) is shown below for the last 3 years. This excludes places allocated using other admissions criteria.

  • 1 March 2024 – 237
  • 1 March 2023 – 225             
  • 1 March 2022 – 234             
  • 1 March 2021 – 229

25 Will my son’s score be enough to gain a place?

We do not know this as it changes depending on the cohort applying. He does have to score a minimum of 220 to be considered for a place (220 does not guarantee a place).

26 How do the county council know what my son's score is?

We liaise with Lincolnshire County Council on School Admissions. You do not need to let LCC know your son’s scores.

27 Should I put The King’s School as first choice?

You should fill in the preferences in the order of which school you would like your son to attend.

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