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In the wake of national reaction to the tragic death of Sarah Everard and the issues it has raised around the safety of women and girls, one of our students initiated a discussion on Instagram, one evening this week.

He had hoped for a sensible, reasoned debate on the question of whether a 6pm curfew should be imposed on men, but unfortunately the thread was quickly hijacked by students across the country, many of whom posted sexist and misogynistic comments that were completely deplorable.

As soon as we heard about this we carried out an urgent investigation and – most regrettably – found that a very small number of our own pupils were among the many posting repugnant comments. They are being appropriately dealt with.

The King’s School remains committed to producing well-rounded individuals who have the capacity to influence and shape society. We recently established an Equality and Diversity Team which is currently reviewing all aspects of our curriculum and culture. This work is a priority and the review is vital to ensuring The King’s School continues to operate as a tolerant, understanding and inclusive place.

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