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18 April 2024 Bi-termly Meeting


Present: In Person: Chair Elli Dean, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members PB, DW, JC, KB, SG, LE, SH-C, AV, VS and ET-C, Teams: NG, SM and BP.

Apologies from: TE, KS, JM, AM, SY, TH, OC, SR, SH, MT, OW and JG.  

Discussion Points

Treasurers Comments

  1. Confirmation of £8,224.16 in the PTFA bank account.
  2. Confirmation that the Second-hand uniform sales are bring in a small but steady income (£126).
  3. AV is in the process of getting the Chari set up as signatory and with delegated access to use online banking, make payments, sign cheques etc. AV is also setting up KB with read only access for transparency.
  4. Ref Treasurer’s handover from AV to OC - Resignation received from OC (Letter on file and shared with the school)
  5. Appointment of New Treasurer BP and Assistant Treasurer JC.
  1. AV to progress with the handover of Treasurer’s role.

School Funding Requests

  1. An increasing number of students are showing an interest in technical theatre / film production, and we have a request from the Drama department as they would like to offer a Technical Theatre Club. The request is for £319.48 for a camcorder, memory card and a selection of books. Approved.

Gold Club Card Report

  1. Confirmation that The Chari and MT are now able to sign cheques.
  2. Gold Card current balance £4,540 (includes outstanding winning payments not yet made)
  1. Now that we have signatures, VS to liaise with MT for a cheque signing session for the outstanding payments due.
  2. Add a note onto the next newsletter for the winners.

Second Hand Uniform Report

  1. TE confirmed the current process is working well.
  2. Simon confirmed the RE cupboard will be available for storage.
  3. Simon gave his thanks to TE for all her hard work.
  1. Move to online sales in the future.

Summer Ball (Saturday 6th July 2024)

Menu reviewed & chosen.


  • Prawn Cocktail, lettuce, and buttered bread (8 votes)
  • Bruschetta with tomatoes and parmesan (10 votes)
  • Samosa, Onion Bhaji, Mango Chutney (V) (8 votes)

Main courses

  • Beef Bourguignon with horseradish mash and mixed vegetables (7 votes)
  • Pan Fried Salmon, dauphinoise potatoes, peas, and green beans (11 votes)
  • Vegan Penang Curry served with Rice and Bean Bread (V) (9 votes)


  • Cheesecake with single cream and blackcurrant or mango coulis (8 votes)
  • Lemon Tart (6 votes)
  • Cheese and biscuits with celery sticks, grapes, and pickle (10 votes)


  1. Received: Voucher for The Everest Inn Grantham, Voucher for Grantham Beauty Rooms.
  2. Promised: £100 M&S voucher from CQMS Ltd, £50 Food/drink voucher from Moleface and x2 tickets for a Murrayfield International.
  3. Requested: Train tickets from LNER.
  4. Other: Amazon or a High Street Voucher from the PTFA. Tamsin has contacted LNER (await response).
  5. Prizes/thoughts into an online raffle beforehand.
  • NG / LE to contact Cropwell Cheese and Langar skydive.
  • Chair to confirm the menu choices with the masonic hall.
  • All PTFA members – if anyone has any ideas / contacts for prizes, please go ahead and ask.

Any Other Business

  1. Uploading the PTFA minutes to the school website – all agreed this was a good idea. The PTFA secretary will produce 2 copies, one with and one without personal information.
  2. Alton Towers – discussions if the PTFA would support an additional school bus in the unlikely event of not enough seating on the buses provided. The PTFA agreed to this up to a maximum cost of £1,000.  Two PTFA members also volunteered to assist on the day of required (LE and OC)
  3. A Buddy bench – a suggestion of on a buddy bench / or a buddy badge / or kindness ambassadors etc to help the students with friendships. Confirmation that some of this has been / or is already in place. Further thoughts / thinking time required.
Buddy bench – review again in the future / a medium to long term project.

Diary Dates:

All agreed to change the meetings from 6.30pm to 6.00pm arrival /6.15pm start.

PTFA meetings: All a 6pm arrival for a 6.15pm start.

  • Tuesday 4th June 2024
  • Wednesday 26th June 2024

Summer Ball

  • Saturday 6th July 2024


Where Next
