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Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) Constitution

1 The name of the Association shall be:

"The King's School Parents, Teachers and Friends Association"

and the address shall be:

The King's School, Brook Street, Grantham, NG31 6RP.

2 Objects

The object of the Association is to advance the education of the pupils at the School by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education and general well being of the pupils at the. School (not normally provided by the academy) and as ancillary thereto and in furtherance of this object the Association may:

    1. foster more extended relationships between the staff, parents and other persons associated with the School and
    2. engage in activities which support the School and advance the education of the pupils attending it.

It is not the intention of the Association to encroach upon the prerogatives of the Governors or the Head Master in running the School.


3 Dissolution

Any assets remaining on dissolution of the Association after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall not be distributed amongst the members of the Association but will be given to the School for the benefit of the pupils at the School in any manner which is exclusively charitable at law.


4 Membership

Membership shall be open to all parents or guardians of present pupils of the School, all staff of the School and all friends (over 18 years old) of the School. Parents or guardians of present pupils of the School automatically become members of the PTFA. Membership is free.

Members should behave in line with the School's Volunteers Policy.

The committee members/trustees may for good reason, regardless of whether or not it is at the request of the Governing Body or the Head Master, exclude any person from membership or from attending an event whose presence at, or support of the School is deemed to be a danger to the School or its pupils or staff or might bring the Association into disrepute. A committee member can be removed from the Committee on the unanimous resolution of the other committee members.

5 Committee

Members who wish to join the Committee, are nominated and seconded at the Annual General Meeting, including the offices of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer and Gold Card Administrator. The Head Master is an ex-officio member of the Committee and has the right to vote. Only members of the Committee have voting rights. The Committee of the Association shall be any member of the PTFA who wish to commit themselves to attending at least three committee meetings or activities of the PTFA per year and are prepared to be trustees of the Association. A quorum shall consist of half the number of the Committee plus one person. Staff are elected in the same way.

The comites shall meet at least once a term.

6 Finance

  1. All finance shall be handled by the Committee.
  2. The Bank for the Association shall be at the discretion of the Committee, and cheques shall be signed by any two of the following Officers: the Chairman, the Honorary Treasurer, the Gold Card Administrator and the Honorary Secretary.
  3. Contributions shall be paid to the Honorary Treasurer and the accounts will be audited annually. The Auditor shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting. The year ends on the 31 July.

7 Meetings

  1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting in October to receive the Chairman's Report and to elect the officers and committee, to receive the Annual Statement of Accounts, and to do such other business as may be called for. Other meetings can be held as necessary.
  2. Items for the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting must reach the Secretary or Chairman in writing at least one week before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The Chairman is empowered to rule on the suitability of any item on the Agenda of the Meeting.
  4. Members of the Committee for the forthcoming year are elected by the outgoing members of the Committee.
  5. Extraordinary General Meeting:
    An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of eight members of the Association, to be made in writing to the Secretary, stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be called and such a meeting shall be held within 21 days of receipt of the request.

8 Alteration

Amendments to the Constitution of the Association may be made subject to the approval of two-thirds majority of members present and voting at a meeting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least 21 days, and shall be notified to members at least 7 days, before any such meeting.

No alteration or amendment shall be made to the objects clause or dissolution clause which would cause the Association to cease to be a charity at law.

Constitution amended at PTFA Committee Meeting 7 March 2019.

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